Monday, July 9, 2012

The Truth about Diet Soda

"...when researchers looked only at people who drank two or more diet sodas per day. The increase in their waist circumference was five times greater than the increase for non-diet drinkers"

Diet soda.  Some people drink cases a week.  They have it with every meal like a magical ward against getting fat.  But the truth is that diet sodas create a deception for the body (on how we process insulin) and deception for the diet (changing the amount of food people eat.)  

As well the bottles used for soda (both for transport of syrups and for store bought ones) are full of BPA;  bisphenol-A which is like a psuedo-hormone that contributes, to diabetes, infertility, and heart disease.

It pleads the case for drinking pure water, green teas, and fresh squeezed juices.

These two articles explain it all:

Talks about the Detox experience with Insulite and purging these chemicals from your system.

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