Monday, July 9, 2012

An Abused Woman

I am very discouraged today in my battle with food.  I lost 65 pounds last year.  I was doing great, eating right and feeling great.  I was starting to get the real me back that has been hiding inside of this cocoon.  The holidays hit last year and I went off the path of eating right.  Then I told myself as long as I eat right five or six days out of the week and eat what I want one or two days a week I should be okay.  Then that one or two days slowly turned into seven days a week.  Its not even that I eat a lot, but with PCOS or being insulin resistant I could eat fruits and that sugar could turn to fat.  I kind of feel like I am burned out on most vegetables and most healthy foods.  It is such a struggle to find healthy foods again that are fresh and new. 

            I almost feel like I am a physically abused women.  I feel that good tasting, fattening foods are my abuser.  I crave and want those foods so badly and the minute I eat them I feel extremely sick and miserable.  I wish I could feel sick and miserable like that when I am hungry again instead of running right back to the abuser for another beating.  I feel like an alcoholic only with food.  Unfortunately, I cannot abstain from food, but alcoholics can abstain from alcohol.  Since I slowly went back to eating poorly I have put over half the weight back on that I have lost.  I know in this journey I will have up days and down days.  I just long for the days of being back in that mindset of eating healthy and loosing weight. ~            Tammy

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