Monday, July 23, 2012

Love Me or Leave Me

Learning how to deal with everyday issues can become stressful and a headache. You try to talk to people and try to help them understand what it is that you need and want, sometimes they understand and other times they just don't seem to get it. Or they give you the whole "ignore it, let it roll off your shoulders". This enrages me, don't look at me and tell me that I need to let it roll of my back or that I just need to walk away from it and ignore it. If I am bringing it up or talking about it, it means that it is really bothering me and I want to talk about it, I am asking for help to figure out the best way to go about fixing the problem or issue. Don't blow me off, don't tell me that its not important, or that the way that I am feeling isn't the way that I should be feeling.

The things that I am feeling are mine. I own them, they belong to me, they are how I think and feel. Don't try to take them away, don't try to change me or my thoughts to fit you better. I have PCOS and because of that my moods are all over the place. There are things that bother me that would not bother "normal" women. I am not "Normal" in the terms that the world thinks, but I am Normal for me, I am who I am so love me for me. If you cant deal with me at my worst side then you don't deserve me at my best. 

I wish that there was manual that told me everyday how to deal with the people around me, how to explain to them what I am thinking and feeling inside. But there isn't so we just have to try our best and live our lives to the best that we can. 

Thank you to listening to me rant and rave about my issues. I hope that all of you  know I am here for you if you need to talk. I understand what you are going through because I am going through it as well. Any advice or comments are welcome.

Much Love,

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