I have been doing a lot of research for the company that I work for. I realized that there were a lot of factors that make our PCOS symptoms worse. For me stress is the worst. I stress out over everything, from the house not being cleaned the way I think it should be, to whats going on with my family. Learning how to let that stress go and just go with the flow is not something that I have figured out how to do.
I spent 6 years in and out of Law Enforcement, during that time I became a control freak. Being in that situation you learn that you have to have control over your surroundings and the people around you. If you don't you take the chances of getting hurt or having someone else get hurt. Due to that I have been struggling ever since to let go of the control and let life happen around me. I cant control the PCOS, I cant control what it is doing to my body, but I have learned that I can control what I do to myself.
I know that if I eat right, take my PCOS System supplements, do some type of exercise and surround myself with positive influences I will be a happier, healthier person. I know this works because I have done it, before I went into Law Enforcement I was happy go lucky. I did what I wanted to and really didn't care about the penalty at the end of it. During this time I hurt a lot of people and burned a lot of bridges. So now that I am to this point in my life again that I need to be happy go lucky, I find it hard to let go of the stresses and struggles that come into my life. How do I let go, how do I move forward with out worrying about what is going to happen.
I found my answer. My husband is the best thing for me. When I am stressed out and don't want to let go he wraps me in his arms, tells me that he loves me and that everything will be ok. I am learning that I don't need to take care of everything, I don't need to control everything, and if I don't get everything done in a day that's ok too.
So remember while we are going down this journey that you are only one person, you are not suppose to hold the world on your shoulders, and learn to let other people help you out. The days that you feel down and just dont feel like doing anything its ok, don't stress about it. Find a friend or family member that you are close to and let them know how you are feeling and what is going on. Its not an easy journey and doing it alone is even hard.
Best wishes to all of you!
If you are looking for a safe place to connect with other women who have PCOS join the Inspiration Hour at
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