Thursday, April 18, 2013

Revolution of You

Freedom from PCOS, Revolution of you  By Katie Humphrey
By: Tabitha Norvell

  Katie Humphrey is such an amazing person. If you are looking for information on PCOS, a way to naturally get help with PCOS and learn how to live a more satisfying, healthy way to live with PCOS shes can help!

  Katie has PCOS as well and has done research, found information, tried different things on herself.  She knows what it is like to suffer from PCOS on a daily basis, she knows what it can do to relationships in your personal life and she has found ways that can help any one who is ready to take a step forward in their lives and start living the way they want to.

 The Revolution of You program will give you tons of information on PCOS and how to deal with it. She offers you tube videos and emails that support you everyday through your journey.

 You can follow the links below to check out the Revolution of You program, Her Ultimate Package, and the "Freedom from PCOS" Book that she wrote.

You can read other success stories, and stories from real people who have gotten the help and information that they needed to move forward and live happier.

Thank you,

Friday, April 12, 2013

Katie Humphrey "Freedom from PCOS"

Katie Humphrey "Freedom from PCOS"
By: Tabitha Norvell

 I have written about Katie's wonderful book "Freedom from PCOS" in a blog before. We have had some new people join our page and I wanted to share again what a wonderful job that she does in this book.

 The information that she provides and the telling of her journey and struggles with PCOS is heart felt and inspiring. She wants each of us to take our health into our own hands, make decisions that are researched, and that we feel are best for our bodies.

 So many of us today have dealt with doctors who either had no idea what PCOS was, or they have given us medications or methods to help with the PCOS that have made things worse then they were to begin with.

I recommend this book to anyone who has PCOS, whether you just found out about it or if you have been suffering with it for years. You can find her book at :

This may not be for everyone and that is ok. But sharing the information and getting out there may help someone you know. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to speak up. I want to hear from you all.

Thank you