Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Master of my own Destiny

After everything that has been going on with me over the last three months, this emotional roller coaster has really worn me out.  I have went back on my diet as of yesterday and I am feeling very positive about it.  It is time I stop complaining about what PCOS has done to me.  It is time take my life back.  "I am the master of my own destiny."  I want to enjoy my life and live it not sit back and watch it pass me by, which is exactly what I have been doing.  There is so much I want to do in my life and I have yet to do any of it.  I declare this day that I will start living my life and doing the things I want to do.

I know I will have good days and bad days, but everyday I will put one foot in front of the other and move forward not looking back. ~Tammy





Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Feelings Part 2

I decided to write a part two to my blog from yesterday because someone who's opinion I value very much told me that I needed to think about the positive things that I have in my life and that I should write a gratitude list for myself.  So I thought I would share with you all a few of the things I am grateful for.

My gratitude list:

1) For my faith in GOD even though I fall away from him sometimes I know he is there and loves me.

2) My loving husband who has stood by me and who has loved me through all of this, no matter what I have going on with me. I know it has not been an  easy road for him. I love you babe.

3) My family who has molded me into the person I am today, the good and the bad.

4) My job which I love, even though I forget that sometimes. It has felt great to be able to help women who suffer from this dreadful disease called PCOS.  It has been a blessing and a healing tool for me I am beyond grateful for this.

5) I am grateful for my friends, new and old. I know I am not an easy person to get to know but I know that I am so blessed to have you in my life.

6) Though I have no children I have my loving cats that show me love everyday, no matter what mood I am in.

7) I am grateful to have a nice home to live in,  a car to drive, and food to eat. In this day and age that is becoming a luxury that we most often forget.

So there is my top few of my gratitude list . I look  at it and I do have a lot to be grateful for in my life even though I have been cursed with PCOS. Maybe we all should take the time to write a gratitude list, so when we are having a tough day we can read it an remind ourselves of all the positives that are in our life.  It just might balance out the negative that we are dealing with. I would love to read some of your gratitude lists if you all would share them with me ~ Tammy





Friday, July 27, 2012

My Feelings

I sit here today thinking about how I have been feeling lately.  I would have to say for the past three months I have just been getting moodier and moodier. My hormones are all over the place. It seems like everything is going wrong all the time,  with work, home, etc. I just feel like blowing up at everything.  I know it has everything to do with my PCOS.  I just get so frustrated with everything that has to do with this disease.   From my weight, to not being able to have a baby, it has taken so much away from me that I want and can not have. I have a great husband that loves me for me but I find I do not love myself the way that I am. I am in here somewhere, in this fat suit and I am screaming to get out. I find that I become so miserable with my illness that I don't see what is right in  front of me. I stopped dreaming of what I have wanted in my life because it just feels useless to even think about wanting things. 

I was told yesterday by someone that I have to stop and think before I react to the situation and get my stress level back down.  I know that this is true I just get a little off track when trying because I am so caught up in what is going on in my body and how miserable I am. ~ Tammy





Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Family Emotions

I have found that when stressful emotional things happen in your life the emotions seem to be 10 times harder to deal with. I had one of these emotional issues come up first thing this morning. There is nothing that I can do to help the situation because I am 18 hours away.

I just want to break down and cry and scream that its not fair, but I cant do that. I have to stay strong for my family. I have to hold the tears back and reassure everyone that things will be ok. With my hormones being all over the place with the PCOS this is the hardest thing to do. I mean come on I cry just watching TV shows, how am I suppose to stay strong and not let my family down..... Some how I am finding the strength to do it. I am working and doing what I need to do to make this day move forward the way that it needs to.

Being so far away from my family can be really tough. When things come up that affect us all,  these are the times that I want to jump on a plane and head back to Colorado, to be there with them and not just over the phone with them. But then I look at my husband and what we have here in Texas and it helps remind me that I have a wonderful life. God has truly blessed me with the blessings in my life. I may not have a baby yet, but I have the best family any one could ask for. We have our issues but I love them all and we support each other through everything. I have great friends, who are the biggest support system that any one could ask for.  I dont know what I would do with out them. So even dealing with PCOS and the emotional mess that it gives us I can still hold my head up high and be strong for those that need me.

So for today I say Ha PCOS I won!!

Thank you for listening to me!

Warm Wishes,


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Positive Person that Perceives Potential

No matter what we do in life, whether we have a condition called PCOS, our bills are piling up, or we are just having a bad day it is vital that we look at everything with positivity.  Optimism is defined as a tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to EXPECT the most favorable outcome.

I don't know if optimism and pessimism come from how you are raised or its just something that comes to you naturally, but it is time we start gearing are mind towards the optimistic side.  This is very difficult for me because I am a pessimist by nature.  I am working towards and striving everyday to be a very positive person. 

As a woman with PCOS I am naturally not feeling well and in turn this causes me to naturally want to be negative, but I am starting to wake up every morning and making the decision that for this day I will be positive.  I will look for the more favorable side of situations and I will EXPECT the most favorable outcome.  There is power in positivity and we need to start training ourselves to always look for the positive side in everything.

I would love to hear feedback from you all as to how you strive to be positive or what things cause you to be negative in your journey with PCOS. ~ Tammy



Monday, July 23, 2012

Love Me or Leave Me

Learning how to deal with everyday issues can become stressful and a headache. You try to talk to people and try to help them understand what it is that you need and want, sometimes they understand and other times they just don't seem to get it. Or they give you the whole "ignore it, let it roll off your shoulders". This enrages me, don't look at me and tell me that I need to let it roll of my back or that I just need to walk away from it and ignore it. If I am bringing it up or talking about it, it means that it is really bothering me and I want to talk about it, I am asking for help to figure out the best way to go about fixing the problem or issue. Don't blow me off, don't tell me that its not important, or that the way that I am feeling isn't the way that I should be feeling.

The things that I am feeling are mine. I own them, they belong to me, they are how I think and feel. Don't try to take them away, don't try to change me or my thoughts to fit you better. I have PCOS and because of that my moods are all over the place. There are things that bother me that would not bother "normal" women. I am not "Normal" in the terms that the world thinks, but I am Normal for me, I am who I am so love me for me. If you cant deal with me at my worst side then you don't deserve me at my best. 

I wish that there was manual that told me everyday how to deal with the people around me, how to explain to them what I am thinking and feeling inside. But there isn't so we just have to try our best and live our lives to the best that we can. 

Thank you to listening to me rant and rave about my issues. I hope that all of you  know I am here for you if you need to talk. I understand what you are going through because I am going through it as well. Any advice or comments are welcome.

Much Love,


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind.  I am trying with everything in me to remain positive and keep my chin up through everything that is going on in my life, but sometimes it gets to be to much.  As a woman with PCOS I live everyday with multiple symptoms.  It is so difficult to put my finger on one thing because it is several things bombarding me at one time.  Between the aches and pains, the major lack of energy, and constant mood swings it is mentally and physically exhausting.

There are so many things I want to do.  I have an ongoing list in my head of just small things I want to get done around the house or God forbid I actually go out and have a pleasant evening away from home.  These things are always on my mind, things I want to get accomplished or if I actually get up and do them then the next day I suffer as if I ran a marathon.

All of these things just feel so overwhelming and it is nearly impossible to keep my chin up.  This just adds to my depression and anxiety.  That is why it is so important for me as well as you all to be in this group.  I need the support as much as everyone else.  So maybe my glass is looking half empty today, but at least I am striving to look at it as half full or maybe someday completely full and running over. ~ Tammy 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Two Hearts

       I sit here today and think about how I always deal with my PCOS issues.  No matter what it may be sometimes I get primarily focused on me and there are many others out there that my PCOS effects as well.  I forget sometimes that my husband is going through this right along with me.  I decided to sit down with him and ask him how he feels. 

      Aside from the obvious part of knowing that the mood swings and emotional roller coaster are not really me, but my condition he is a bit discouraged about not being able to have a baby as well.  As unfortunate as it is after 16 years he has learned to accept the fact that we may have a baby at some point and we may not, but regardless we are going through this together and we will get through it together.

      To many times we get so focused upon ourselves that we forget we have someone on this road with us and they have feeling and emotions as well.  Lets try to remember that we have a support system in our husbands.  We need to not obsess about our condition and take it one day at a time and know that we are not alone. ~Tammy

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Inspiration Hour #8

Today is the big day.  You need not wait any longer to learn how to eat healthy in your busy busy life.  Please join the Insulite Labs Health Care team tonight at 6pm EST for the "Inspiration Hour, "Connect Motivate-Learn."   Katie Humphrey will be talking about "Eating nutritious and delicious with a hectic lifestyle."

Sign up for the call at

There will be a 10 to 15 minute period where Katie will be speaking about the issue and then it will be opened up so that you can share your story, ask questions, and speak with other ladies who are suffering from PCOS as well.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Inspiration Hour #7

When you join the Insulite Labs Health Care team tomorrow at 6pm EST for the "Inspiration Hour, "Connect Motivate-Learn"style."

Sign up for the call at.

There will be a 10 to 15 minute period where Katie will be speaking about the issue and then it will be opened up so that you can share your story, ask questions, and speak with other ladies who are suffering from PCOS as well.
you wont be able to use the same excuse anymore of your busy schedule for not eating healthy.   Katie Humphrey will be talking about "Eating nutritious and delicious with a hectic lifestyle."

Sign up for the call at


There will be a 10 to 15 minute period where Katie will be speaking about the issue and then it will be opened up so that you can share your story, ask questions, and speak with other ladies who are suffering from PCOS as well.

Snake Eyes

Everyday I feel like I am walking in a casino and rolling the dice.  I shake them up in my hands and blow on them hoping for a good roll.  Just maybe it will be a good roll.  Anything but snake eyes. 

            As a woman with PCOS I really don't know what kind of a day I am going to have.  I really have no clue.  It could be an emotional day, I could be really down or very happy.  I could have aches and pains all over my body, maybe even in places I never new existed.  Possibly I could have little to no pains in my body.  I could have lots and lots of energy and want to clean the entire house (not likely) or I could have little to no energy and just want to sit in the chair all day or worse stay in bed. 

            Occasionally I roll the dreaded snake eyes.  This is a dreadful day.  A day that finds me in pretty severe pain, headache, nausea and very high anxiety and low energy.  I would like to think that those days are fewer and far between, but I am not so sure.  Today happens to be the day that I stayed in my chair all day.  Through all of these ups and downs and these days of wondering what will happen the thing I am most fortunate in having is my husband.  He is my rock.  Through everything he learns to roll with the punches.  I just wish all women with PCOS had a man in their life that took the time to fully understand their condition and fully support their woman throughout all the ups and downs despite how the dice land.  ~ Tammy


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Inspiration Hour #6

Don't forget to mark your calendars.  The time is quickly approaching  when you and your family can learn some simple steps to eating health is your busy schedule. Please join the Insulite Labs Health Care team on Tuesday July 17th at 6pm EST for the "Inspiration Hour, "Connect Motivate Learn."  Katie Humphrey will be talking about "Eating nutritious and delicious with a hectic lifestyle."

Sign up for the call at


There will be a 10 to 15 minute period where Katie will be speaking about the issue and then it will be opened up so that you can share your story, ask questions, and speak with other ladies who are suffering from PCOS as well.

Don't Let Being Round Get You Down!

Let’s face facts. We’ve lost the war on obesity. Fighting fat hasn’t made the fat go away. And being thinner, even if we knew how to successfully accomplish it, will not necessarily make us healthier or happier. The war on obesity has taken its toll. Extensive “collateral damage” has resulted: Food and body preoccupation, self-hatred, eating disorders, discrimination, poor health... Few of us are at peace with our bodies, whether because we’re fat or because we fear becoming fat.

Health at Every Size is the new peace movement.

Very simply, it acknowledges that good health can best be realized independent from considerations of size. It supports people—of all sizes—in addressing health directly by adopting healthy behaviors.

– An excerpt from Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight by Linda Bacon, PhD.”

Because of the pressures of society to look like a unrealistic idea of beauty, many women find themselves too anxious to go outside or to the gym to exercise. While the television paints a picture where it is unacceptable to be overweight and that it is ok to harass people struggling with weight issues, Linda Bacon's “Health at Every Size” is based on the idea that the most effective way to improve health is to respect and care for your body.

She supports people in adopting healthy habits for the sake of health and well-being (rather than weight control). Take some time to read through her website and see how her focus is to NOT focus on weight but to focus on a developing a healthy life, a healthy mindset, and healthy habits to live a better life and live NOW in the reality of beautiful powerful you.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Inspiration Hour #5

It's time to stop procrastinating when it comes to eating healthy for you and your family.  The time is now to learn how to eat healthy despite the lack of time in our busy schedules.  Katie Humphreys can help.  Please join the Insulite Labs Health team on Tuesday July 17th at 6pm EST for the "Inspiration Hour, "Connect Motivate Learn."  Katie Humphrey will be talking about "Eating nutritious and delicious with a hectic lifestyle."

Sign up for the call at.

There will be a 10 to 15 minute period where Katie will be speaking about the issue and then it will be opened up so that you can share your story, ask questions, and speak with other ladies who are suffering from PCOS as well.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Return to Crystal Lake

It is Friday the 13th today and boy is it ever.  Do you ever just have one of those days.  Today was that day for me.  I have felt very overwhelmed for a good part of the day.  Constantly things bombarding me all day long.  I really feel like turning off the phone, closing the blinds and shutting the world out for the day, but I cant do that.  Can I?  Lets see what tomorrow brings.  A new day, a fresh start, that’s all I need.  But truly is that what I need?  On a day like today the average person would be about half as irritated as I am, but the average person does not have PCOS.  I get so irritable that I start taking my frustrations out on the important people that really don't deserve it.

             I am learning that every day is different for me.  I will have good days and I will have bad days, but I am still moving forward in this journey. I cannot use my PCOS as an excuse or a crutch.  Yes, women with PCOS are much more irritable due to our hormone imbalance, but truly my PCOS has made me a stronger woman because it has pushed me to the point of knowing what I am capable of as a person.  I am optimistic that tomorrow will be a better today than today was.  It has to be.   Psst, but between you and me, I will be going to bed early tonight.  Good Night.  ~Tammy

Inspiration Hour #4

You have been running all day long.  Its already 6:30 pm and you need to come up with dinner for the family.  It is so much easier and quicker to order a pizza or stop my Mcdonalds, but you want to set a healthier example for your family.  Katie Humphreys can help.  Please join the Insulite Labs Health Care team on Tuesday July 17th at 6pm EST for the "Inspiration Hour, "Connect Motivate Learn."  Katie Humphrey will be talking about "Eating nutritious and delicious with a hectic lifestyle."

Sign up for the call at.

There will be a 10 to 15 minute period where Katie will be speaking about the issue and then it will be opened up so that you can share your story, ask questions, and speak with other ladies who are suffering from PCOS as well.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Inspiration Hour #3

Busy, busy, busy, are we?  Whether you are working late, running your kids around to all of their events or just exhausted from your day it seems very difficult to eat healthy.  Katie Humphreys has some tips that may help.  Please join the Insulite Labs Health team on Tuesday July 17th at 6pm EST for the "Inspiration Hour, "Connect Motivate Learn."  Katie Humphrey will be talking about "Eating nutritious and delicious with a hectic lifestyle."

Sign up for the call at.

There will be a 10 to 15 minute period where Katie will be speaking about the issue and then it will be opened up so that you can share your story, ask questions, and speak with other ladies who are suffering from PCOS as well.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Love this blog post

I was doing some research for work and came across the blog post. Keeping in mind that I have been an emotional wreck today I thought I would read it. I love what she has to say. Please keep in mind that there is some bad language in here and the author is very blunt, but what she has to say is amazing. The link below will take you to Dianne Sylvans actual blog where you can see this blog and others that she has written :)

*NOTE* This is a blog below is written by Dianne Sylvan. I am in no way claiming that I wrote any of it. I am just sharing it with the readers of my blog so they can enjoy her thoughts as I did.

Thank you,


Note:  I debated with myself whether to allow comments on this post or not.  But frankly, I don’t care if you think I’m wrong.  If you hate fat people, I don’t want you here.  Anti-fat bigotry and pro-diet propaganda will be deleted.  I can do that because this is my sandbox and I’ve got the bullshit shovel. If you want to talk about how fabulous weight loss is you’ve got a whole internet to do it in.     
You may not know this if you’re new to my work, but: I wrote an entire book on body image and spirituality a few years ago.  The whole subject is very important to me, but I haven’t written much about it lately because my focus has been on so many other things.  But then I got cable TV, and the old anger came a-flaring back up.
You see, I’m fat.  300 pounds of awesome from my double chin to my adorable toes. There’s no concealing this fact. My fat is out there. It speaks.  And it says “I am lovable and worthy just like I am, and fuck you if you disagree.”  I’ve spent a lot of time and effort removing myself from body disparagement zones and have gotten comfortable with the idea that people can look like anything and it’s all good…but then I accidentally read the comments on someone’s blog, or I see some article that makes my blood boil, and I remember how many people out there live in a state of perpetual self-denial, self-denigration, and self-destruction just because of their fat.
It is to those fat girls, and to all of us who need a refresher course in body acceptance, that I offer these Ten Rules.

1.  You are not obligated to be thin, healthy, or pretty.

It’s bad enough that our culture assigns moral value to foods:  celery is “good,” donuts are “bad.”  Now, being healthy is itself considered a sign of your moral fortitude.  Never mind the gap between the wealthy and poor and how that affects access to unprocessed food and the time and resources to exercise; never mind genetics or mental illness or stuff like, you know, character and behavior toward others.  Thin people equal healthy people and that means good people.
Here’s a thought I’m sure will shock people:  You don’t owe anyone good health.  You have sovereignty over your body and that means it is no one’s responsibility but your own.
Now, there are larger issues involved in our food supply such as workers’ rights, animal rights, and environmental devastation to be considered, but I can’t make other people’s food choices for them, and I wouldn’t allow anyone to make mine for me.  Evangelizing about any kind of diet or “health plan” is presumptuous and unlikely to make you any friends; showing that the way you live makes you happy is a far more effective long-term persuasive technique.
Let’s assume that being fat is morally reprehensible. Okay, fine. Let’s assume it’s the worst thing ever and every time a fat girl eats cake God kills a kitten. Whatever. How are shame and hatred going to fix that?  How is discrimination and making people loathe themselves going to make them healthier?  Obviously this doesn’t work or the number of overweight people would be rapidly declining, wouldn’t it, given how we’re treated? Has hate ever made anyone a better person?
Besides, how exactly does looking at someone tell you their state of health? There are millions of unhealthy thin people, but the automatic assumption is that they’re healthier than I am just based on my size.
We also have this idea that our bodies are only worth their value to other people. Guess what? MY VALUE AS WOMAN IS NOT DEPENDENT ON WHETHER OR NOT MEN WANT TO FUCK ME.
Even in the Pagan community where you’d think body acceptance would be assumed, there’s been a rise in anti-fat prejudice lately with all these really weird “you’re using up too many resources! Mother Earth is sad that you’re fat!” ideas behind them.  Of all the environmental issues that are mounting up today, that’s the one you have a conniption over?  You really think my big ass is worse for the Earth than Big Oil?  You need to sort out your priorities, Dances With Unicorns.

2.  Don’t talk shit about your body.

Aside from the fact that it makes conversations awkward, would you let a friend – or anyone – verbally abuse you?  Then why allow yourself to do it?
It’s hard to follow this rule given that body disparagement is not only the norm, it’s expected.  A group of women is supposed to talk about diets and shoes and how much they freaking love yogurt.  I’d rather listen to my relatives talk about Obama than my coworkers talk about calorie counts.  In such a situation you can:
A.  Change the subject
B.  Try to change people’s minds by making body positive statements (only do this if you like to argue)
C.  If you’re totally stuck, entertain yourself:  mentally replace words like “carbs” with “balls.”  It’s way more fun to listen to people discuss good balls versus bad balls and whether or not they’re getting enough balls.
Before making a statement about your body, ask yourself if you’d say the exact same thing to the kindest, gentlest friend you have.  If the answer is yes, I’d be surprised if you had any friends at all; you’re certainly no friend to yourself.

3. Don’t talk shit about other people’s bodies.

If you want the world to learn to love all sizes and shapes of women, you have to start with you.  It’s so much fun to gossip and snipe, isn’t it?  It’s what women are supposed to do!  We must tear each other down in order to eliminate competition for the oh-so-rare, elusive man-penis!
I’m not just talking about fat shaming, either.  “Go eat a sandwich” is as mean a thing to say as “go on a diet, fatty!”  Just like people don’t know anything about your health or history by the size of your body, you don’t know what a thin person has dealt with in her life either.  Everyone’s got problems – beautiful people are just as screwed up as everyone else.
Rules 2 and 3 are doubly important in front of young people.  Don’t let the cycle of shame continue with your daughter or niece or young friend.  End it here and now.

4.  Wear clothes that fit.

Viva la Revolucion!
It doesn’t matter what your style is, what your budget is, or what you think of your fat; wearing too-tight or too-big clothes will make you uncomfortable, and that discomfort will show in how you carry yourself.  It’s hard to be confident when you’re constantly yanking a wedgie.
Whatever you like to wear, find the size that fits you – you can move in it, sit down, bend over, walk, without having to stop and adjust every three steps. I’m not saying it’s easy to find attractive comfy clothes when you’re fat – it’s a nightmare.  For all that fat people are supposedly taking over the world, we must all be walking around naked, because we can’t find crap for clothes.  It’s part of that whole “we will make you thin by making your fat life miserable” thing, which is ridiculous (and doesn’t work).  If you find an article of clothing that you love, get more than one if you can.  I love v-neck black t-shirts, so when I found one in a nice Supima cotton on clearance I ordered five of them.

5.  Demand better treatment from healthcare professionals.

Your doctor is prey to the same forces of fat-hatred that you are every single day.  So it’s likely that regardless of your state of health at some point a doctor is going to recommend you lose weight.  I’ve had some doctors who went about it in far more acceptable ways than others – really it’s more the attitude than anything else. Coming from a cardiologist, it’s less ridiculous than coming from an allergist.  If your doctor is generally responsive to your needs and doesn’t force the issue it’s not as big a problem as, say, one refusing to treat you for anything until you’re thinner.
(Yes, this happens.  If you don’t believe it, you’re probably not fat.  The horror stories I’ve heard from fat people in the healthcare system are enough to make you sick.)
That claptrap about obese people being a strain on the economy is nonsense; cancer costs millions of dollars to research and treat but nobody’s suggesting we let cancer patients die to save money.  Since a lot of fat folks are uninsured thanks to our crackerjack health care system, we don’t get adequate care anyway.  It’s just another smokescreen to keep people fighting amongst themselves while the rich line their pockets with the profits of our self-loathing.
Remember this, though:  your doctor works for you.  He is performing a service.  There are thousands of doctors out there, so if yours is a jerk to you or tries to pull that “all your problems would vanish if you lost weight” crap, fire his ass and go somewhere else.
Here’s a question to ask when your doctor tries to tell you your sore throat, aching back, or the axe sticking out of your skull are due to your weight.  “If I were a thin person, what treatment would you prescribe?”
Seriously.  Statistics show that weight loss fails over the long-term 95% of the time. How many conditions can doctors get away with prescribing something with only a 5% success rate?  Yet dieting is considered a panacea.  You know what else has a 5% success rate in treating disease?  Bleeding someone to let the evil humours out.
You deserve respect and attention from your healthcare professionals regardless of your size.  Don’t accept abuse and condescension.  And certainly don’t pay for it.

6. Find a way to move.

Like I said, you’re not obligated to be healthy, but you probably want to be – there’s this weird thing we humans do where we don’t want to die or feel like crap if we don’t have to.  While the evidence directly linking being fat withillness is sketchy at best (studies have shown that active overweight people actually live longer than thin sedentary people), you’d be hard pressed to find evidence that disagrees with the idea that regular movement is good for you.  Our bodies weren’t designed for our modern lifestyle, and it shows in how we feel.  Exercise benefits body, mind, and emotions – and it can be fun, if you find the right kind.
I’m not talking about torturing yourself with some “work out until you vomit” bullshit (people do know that throwing up is a symptom of illness, not a badge of honor, right?); I’m talking about getting up and moving around a little every day.  Even supersized folk have options.  Walk around your house a few times.  Put on your favorite song and dance to it.  I know it’s hard to leave the house and exercise when you’re fat – aside from any physical limitations you might have, people are assholes.   Despite the fact that we’re supposed to lose weight to be acceptable, we’re mocked when we are seen sweating.  But even if you don’t go to a gym (lord knows I don’t) or attend classes, try to move more.  You’ll feel better.
Just don’t go into it expecting to lose weight.  Move to enjoy life more.  Move because dancing is fun or because you love playing touch football with your kids.  Maybe you’ll lose weight by being more active, maybe not – but you’ll definitely feel better and have more fun.

7. Stand up for yourself.

Fat people are expected to just take whatever abuse is heaped on us because there’s something wrong with us that everyone – everyone – knows how to fix.  It’s assumed that we’re stupid, as if our whole lives were lived in a cave full of cake and we’ve just been waiting for a random stranger to deliver the Skinny Gospel.

“Oh my God.  Calories in and calories out – that’s it?  THAT’S ALL THERE IS TO IT? OH MY SWEET JESUS I’M CURED!  WHY HASN’T ANYONE EVER TOLD ME?”
You don’t have to take it.  You don’t deserve it.  You are a human being worthy of love and respect.  I’ll keep saying that until you hear me.
Even if you’re not quick-witted enough to come up with a retort to every insult, you can get a lot of mileage out of making eye contact with an asshole and saying, “Excuse me?” Bullies of all kinds tend to wilt when challenged in front of others.  Fix the spotlight on them and watch their power go poof.  Powerful women scare the hell out of weak-minded dickweasels.
I’ve had more trouble with strangers than loved ones, but family and friends can be even harder to deal with because it’s assumed they mean well and want the best for you.  It’s also assumed, as I’ve said, that everyone knows what’s best for you but you.
“Aunt Gertrude, I appreciate that you’re concerned about my health, but I am healthy and am happy with my appearance.  Please respect that I don’t want to discuss my size.”
Often strangers will try to pass off their cruelty as concern.  Don’t be fooled. What they’re saying isn’t “I care about your health, total stranger, for I am a concerned citizen.” it’s “I find your body unacceptable and you should feel ashamed because I am insecure.”
The popular idea in psychology is that fat people are “shielding themselves” from something using their bodies.  We’re pushing away our emotions, stuffing our pain, et cetera.  That may be true for some people, but assuming it’s true for every fat person is as irresponsible as assuming every physical ailment comes from fat.
Although in my case, my fat is a great insulator.  It helps keep idiots out of my life.

8.  Deal with your fat.

Don’t pretend to be skinny if you’re not.  Take up space.  It’s okay. You’re not fooling anyone by sucking in your gut anyway.
We tend to gloss over an important aspect of fatness:  fat hygiene.  That stupid stereotype about fat people being smelly comes from a few people who don’t pay attention to the needs of their fat. Don’t punish yourself for being fat by treating your body like garbage.
Wash your fat.  More importantly, dry it.  When you get out of the shower make sure you’re dry under your fat rolls and between your legs and breasts.  Make sure you’re wiping your ass adequately.  Do not fall victim tothe perils of Swamp Ass.  There are unhygienic people in every size, but if you’ve got more flesh you might need to spend more time attending to it.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  You’re saving yourself a lot of discomfort.  If you get rashes from sweating in the heat, apply powder or try to find workout clothes designed to wick moisture.  If I wear a skirt, which is rare, I put tights underneath it to avoid getting heat blisters on my thighs.
If your chair is too small, find a bigger one.  If the seat at the movies is pinching you, put up the armrest and take up two spaces.  Ask for a seatbelt extender on the plane.  You can also get them for your car – they should be free from your dealership since they’re safety equipment.
Touch yourself.  You’re not gross.  If you’re doing yoga and your belly’s in your way, take hold of it and shift it.  I’m serious.  Most people don’t think about that, but it can really help – touch your flesh.  It’s yours.  You grew it; you own it.  Don’t be afraid of your body. Often because we are heirs to such body shame, we avoid getting to know our flesh, so when something does go wrong we don’t realize it until it’s really serious.

9.  There are worse things in the world than being fat.

I’ve heard quite a few thin women say things like, “Thank God I’m not fat.  I’d kill myself.”  Or “getting fat would be the worst thing.”
Oh?  Worse than child abuse, genocide, homophobia, or being allergic to chocolate?  Worse than being an asshole?  Worse than treating people like crap because of how they look?
Is being fat worse than being an ignorant bigot?  Worse than being a murderer?  Worse than drowning kittens?  Amebic dysentery?  Losing a loved one?  Losing a limb?
Hating yourself is pretty damn awful too.  Trust me, it’s way worse than being fat.

10.  Don’t expect to feel awesome about yourself every single day forever.

Photo by Lorrie Ottmers. Hotness by me.
This one hit me hard after I had written an entire book on body image and, despite all my effort, still had periodic wars with the mirror.  Even knowing every rule on this list, I still have days when I have a hard time loving myself.
Given the world we live in, it’s really quite a revolutionary act to love yourself at all, even for a single hour.  With the constant bombardment of not-good-enough messages out there it’s bound to happen, so don’t judge yourself for occasional negative body thoughts.  Just gently bring yourself out of it and remember you are more than a number on a scale, more than a body at all.
If you challenge your assumptions, day by day you silence your inner critics.  This takes time and constant effort, but the reward is a happier life and often a healthier one.  Every journey has its pitfalls, though, and sometimes you fall flat on your face.  Even full grown adults can still be toddlers.
This is where affirmations can be really useful.  Look yourself in the eye every day and tell yourself you refuse to measure your life by your BMI. Tell yourself you are loved – because you are, I promise – and accepted exactly as you are no matter what, and that even if you’re not strong enough to believe it every day, it’s still true, and that truth will be there when you can reach out and grasp it. 
Remember you cannot leave a mark on the world without taking up space.
Next post I’ll share a list of body-positive blogs, books, and other resources that might help you find peace with your body, whether it’s fat or thin or short or purple or hairy or has an extra arm coming out the back.

Inspiration Hour #2

Are you sick of trying to eat healthy with your crazy schedule?  I bet sometimes it feels nearly impossible.  It probably makes you just want to throw in the towel on eating right.  Please before you give up on healthy eating join the Insulite Labs Health Care team on Tuesday July 17th at 6pm EST for the "Inspiration Hour, "Connect Motivate-Learn."style."

Sign up for the call at.

There will be a 10 to 15 minute period where Katie will be speaking about the issue and then it will be opened up so that you can share your story, ask questions, and speak with other ladies who are suffering from PCOS as well.
  Katie Humphrey will be talking about "Eating nutritious and delicious with a hectic lifestyle."

Sign up for the call at.

There will be a 10 to 15 minute period where Katie will be speaking about the issue and then it will be opened up so that you can share your story, ask questions, and speak with other ladies who are suffering from PCOS as well.

Where have I gone

Laying in bed at 330 this morning thoughts are running through my head and I am thinking about all the women I have supported and spread encouragement to over the last two months. It's really amazing how many wonderful women I have been blessed to meet and become friends with. The support that I have been blessed with has really changed me and as a person.

I am emotional, overweight and struggling down the path of my PCOS Journey. I used to work out and eat well and take care of myself. I look into the mirror today and think what have I let myself become? While staring at myself I realized that its not me its the PCOS. So what do you do? How do you fix it? I have finally realized that I cant do this any more, I want to have a better healthier life.

So I want you all to hold me accountable. I am going to post a blog a week that shows you my process and and how I am doing with this journey. My plan is to start using my Couch to 5k program as well as my brazilian butt lift program and start eating healthier again. Its time to get back on the band wagon and get healthy again.

I am reaching out and asking that each one of you help me through this journey. Hold me responsible and help me stay on track. I am the type of person that needs the support to keep on the program. I know that if I dont have that it will be a stop and go process.

Thank you for all of your support and for teaching me things about myself that I thought where lost.

Tabitha :)


Would You Like a Little Cheese with Your Whine

I really think I need to call the Whambulance today.  Its just a day like any other.  I am sitting hear watching "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" on TLC.  Half way through the show I notice tears streaming down my face.  I want a baby and I can't have one right now so I am thinking okay that’s why I am crying.  Next I am watching "Say Yes to the Dress."  Still balling my eyes out.  Enough is enough, surely a home remodeling show on HGTV will be okay, but no.  Still crying.  Then I realize oh yeah I have PCOS and one of the biggest things I deal with in having PCOS is being very, very emotional.  I can cry at the drop of a hat or on the flipside be very happy over something very weird.  So if someone says the sky is blue and I start crying don't think anything about it.  Its just my PCOS.  ~ Tammy



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Inspiration Hour

Inspiration Hour Tuesday

Insulite Labs is putting on the "Inspiration Hour- Connect-motivate-learn". Its happening on July 17th, 2012. Katie Humphrey will be discussing "Eating Nutritious and Delicious with a Hectic Life".
If you are interested in joining the call go to  http://www.pcos.insulitelabs.com/inspiration-hour.php. When you sign up it will give you the information that you need to join the call as well as get updates on when it is going to happen and what the calls are going to be about.
We hope to hear you on the call. Feel free to ask questions, make comments and get the support that you need.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Truth about Diet Soda

"...when researchers looked only at people who drank two or more diet sodas per day. The increase in their waist circumference was five times greater than the increase for non-diet drinkers"

Diet soda.  Some people drink cases a week.  They have it with every meal like a magical ward against getting fat.  But the truth is that diet sodas create a deception for the body (on how we process insulin) and deception for the diet (changing the amount of food people eat.)  

As well the bottles used for soda (both for transport of syrups and for store bought ones) are full of BPA;  bisphenol-A which is like a psuedo-hormone that contributes, to diabetes, infertility, and heart disease.

It pleads the case for drinking pure water, green teas, and fresh squeezed juices.

These two articles explain it all:  


Talks about the Detox experience with Insulite and purging these chemicals from your system.

An Abused Woman

I am very discouraged today in my battle with food.  I lost 65 pounds last year.  I was doing great, eating right and feeling great.  I was starting to get the real me back that has been hiding inside of this cocoon.  The holidays hit last year and I went off the path of eating right.  Then I told myself as long as I eat right five or six days out of the week and eat what I want one or two days a week I should be okay.  Then that one or two days slowly turned into seven days a week.  Its not even that I eat a lot, but with PCOS or being insulin resistant I could eat fruits and that sugar could turn to fat.  I kind of feel like I am burned out on most vegetables and most healthy foods.  It is such a struggle to find healthy foods again that are fresh and new. 

            I almost feel like I am a physically abused women.  I feel that good tasting, fattening foods are my abuser.  I crave and want those foods so badly and the minute I eat them I feel extremely sick and miserable.  I wish I could feel sick and miserable like that when I am hungry again instead of running right back to the abuser for another beating.  I feel like an alcoholic only with food.  Unfortunately, I cannot abstain from food, but alcoholics can abstain from alcohol.  Since I slowly went back to eating poorly I have put over half the weight back on that I have lost.  I know in this journey I will have up days and down days.  I just long for the days of being back in that mindset of eating healthy and loosing weight. ~            Tammy

The Stress Bug and what it does to you.

I have been doing a lot of research for the company that I work for. I realized that there were a lot of factors that make our PCOS symptoms worse. For me stress is the worst. I stress out over everything, from the house not being cleaned the way I think it should be, to whats going on with my family. Learning how to let that stress go and just go with the flow is not something that I have figured out how to do.

I spent 6 years in and out of Law Enforcement, during that time I became a control freak. Being in that situation you learn that you have to have control over your surroundings and the people around you. If you don't you take the chances of getting hurt or having someone else get hurt. Due to that I have been struggling ever since to let go of the control and let life happen around me. I cant control the PCOS, I cant control what it is doing to my body, but I have learned that I can control what I do to myself.

I know that if I eat right, take my PCOS System supplements, do some type of exercise and surround myself with positive influences I will be a happier, healthier person. I know this works because I have done it, before I went into Law Enforcement I was happy go lucky. I did what I wanted to and really didn't care about the penalty at the end of it. During this time I hurt a lot of people and burned a lot of bridges. So now that I am to this point in my life again that I need to be happy go lucky, I find it hard to let go of the stresses and struggles that come into my life. How do I let go, how do I move forward with out worrying about what is going to happen.

I found my answer. My husband is the best thing for me. When I am stressed out and don't want to let go he wraps me in his arms, tells me that he loves me and that everything will be ok. I am learning that I don't need to take care of everything, I don't need to control everything, and if I don't get everything done in a day that's ok too.

So remember while we are going down this journey that you are only one person, you are not suppose to hold the world on your shoulders, and learn to let other people help you out. The days that you feel down and just dont feel like doing anything its ok, don't stress about it. Find a friend or family member that you are close to and let them know how you are feeling and what is going on. Its not an easy journey and doing it alone is even hard.

Best wishes to all of you!


If you are looking for a safe place to connect with other women who have PCOS join the Inspiration Hour at      


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Return of the Carbohydrate Monster

So I am driving by Taco Bell today and I hear it screaming my name.  Come get one of those Doritos tacos.  You know you want one.  First of all, I messed up and tried to go to the store on an empty stomach.  Something told me I should eat something before I go, but I chose to wait.  There I am driving by Taco Bell on the way to the grocery store and I cannot say no.  I pull in and enjoy my Doritos taco.  I not only enjoy one, but two and a five layer burrito and a beef meximelt.  Then about ten minutes after I leave the restaurant I am sick as usual. I sit and wonder will this battle ever be over?  Then I tell myself Carbohydrate Monster you may have one the battle, but I am slowly winning the war. ~ Tammy

Friday, July 6, 2012

My Body, My Friend

PCOS from its very start puts us at odds with our bodies.  The nature of the symptoms are highly socially inappropriate and that can make a person feel socially separate due to the expectations presented by our society for women.

We know the symptoms create highly inappropriate physical effects to manifest in our bodies.  We understand that the symptoms create situations where our bodies can take on forms that do not match the current standard of beauty presented by magazines and entertainment culture.  And that hurts because we know we are good inside.

Thus all this negative feedback puts us at odds with our PCOS bodies.  I have read lines like "fighting PCOS" and "getting rid of PCOS," but the physical truth is, PCOS is a part of our bodies and woven into our very genetics.  And it has been with us since before we were born.

So in many ways we learning to live with PCOS and we are changing our lives to adapt to living with PCOS.  And it is through lifestyle changes and symptomatic treatments that PCOS symptoms can be alleviated.  Our ultimate goal to allieviate all the symptoms by careful conscious living.

But most of all, it is not "us vs our bodies."  Our bodies should not be seen as guilty of having PCOS or punished because of our genetics are what they are.  Our bodies deserve to be treated as well as our whole selves do.  We deserve dignity, respect, kindness, gentleness, and wholesome life choices.  Our bodies feel so much better when we adhere to living a lifestyle that is healthy both in body, mind, and spirit.  Our bodies our our allies on this journey and the body must work in harmony with the mind to find healing on this journey together.
