Sunday, September 2, 2012

Update on my PCOS Journey

By:Tabitha Norvell

I havent been on here for about a week due to being in severe pain and heavy bleeding. Those of you that have PCOS know and understand what I am going through right now and I tell you what Ladies I dont wish this on any one. I found out almost two weeks ago that I had cysts on my ovaries again and the doctor wanted to do surgery to remove them...again... I went through this  surgery two and a half almost three years ago. What they did is go in and laser burn all the cysts that were on my ovaries. At the time it was 60 cysts. I was in pain for almost two months after wards and all it really did was take the cramps away when I was on my cycle. So you can imagine that I am not looking forward to doing this again. I have been absolutely exhausted, shaky and dealing with headaches all week. Friends of mine have told me to go see the doctor and get checked out again, but I dont have insurance so that isnt going to happen unless its a last option thing.

On a more positive side, I have been sticking to my "Diet" (more a lifestyle change) and have lost 4.5 lbs this week. I am excited about this! Even being bloated and not feeling well the weight is coming off. This is a relief. I find that I am not as hungry as I used to be and I am not constantly wanting and thinking of food. This is a big step for me and I am hoping that I can continue to make this an every day thing and get back to a healthier weight.
I know that I wouldnt be where I am today if it were not for a few close friends that I talk to daily, My husband and of course those of you that are on here supporting me through out this journey. So THANK YOU to all of you ladies who know and understand what I and so many others are going through.

Sending lots of love and warm wishes to you all!


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