Monday, June 18, 2012

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is Power

It would be easy to say that PCOS has been a very rare condition in the past.  Lately, we are hearing about so many new cases, but in reality PCOS has always been around.  Its just that so many more people are becoming educated about it.  From my experience over the last ten years doctors really had no idea what PCOS was much less how to treat it.  Many women went undiagnosed or misdiagnosed because of the lack of knowledge on the condition.

I feel it is very, very important that we educate ourselves on PCOS, but even more important than that its is also important that our loved ones are educated on PCOS as well.  This can be a very peculiar condition and sometimes very hard to understand.  That is why education and research on PCOS is so important.  From my perspective my family really didn't know me or know what I went through on a daily basis until they fully understood the condition of PCOS.  There are many resources at your disposal to gain much needed knowledge about PCOS.  Obviously, the internet is a very reliable resource, but even better than that is communicating with other like minded individuals with PCOS.  We can learn so much from the daily experiences of each other. ~ Tammy

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