Tuesday, May 22, 2012

PCOS and Infertility

 Most woman dream from the time that they are little about the big white wedding, the huge house with the picket fence and the 2.5 kids. Its the American Girls dream :). I was one of those girls for the most part. I wanted kids from the time I was little, watching my cousins having their babies and becoming amazing mom's. The older I got I started putting a plan together. I would be married by the time I was 22 and have 3 kids before I was 28. I had it all worked out...

 Now at almost 30 I have been married for 6 years, so oops I missed that deadline I was married at 23 rather then 22. We have not been able to have kids as of yet because of the PCOS so I missed the other deadline as well. Good thing I did not put a lot of stock into my plans from when I was a little girl. Being heartbroken and depressed over it is all that I can handle, thinking that my dreams were never going to come true would be 10 times worse. The older I got I knew that I would get married when I was ready and that I would have kids when we were ready. Or so I thought, our wedding was beautiful and everything that I dreamed about. But now that we are coming up on our 6th wedding anniversary I look at our life and love everything about it, but I feel like something is missing. We have stable jobs, a roof over our heads, friends and family that we love, but we don't have any kids running around the house. We don't have to worry about what activities are coming up or school plays, or dance recitals or anything else like that. Some of our friends look at us and make comments like "man I wish our life was as easy as yours," " I wish we could pack up and go at a moments notice and not have to worry about what the kids have going on, or who's going to watch the kids for our date night."  I know that all my friends who have kids are wonderful parents, they love their children very much and it show's everyday. But every now and then parents need a brake, to spend one on one time with the partner that they fell in love with. Looking at things from my point of view, I want to grab a hold of them and scream at the top of my lungs "I WANT YOUR LIFE"!!!

  PCOS has taken the plans that I had and shattered them. But that doesnt mean that the dreams are gone and that there is no hope to making those dreams come true. Plans can be broken and shattered, but the dreams hold strong. I have found that hope and have been working on doing what needs to be done in order for our dreams to come true. Now that I have shared my thoughts on it I am going to give you some information on why PCOS makes it hard to get pregnant and a few things that may work to correct some of the problems that you may be having. Please keep in mind I do research all of the information that I put in my blog,but I am not a doctor so if you have questions about any of the medications and such please speak to your doctor about it.

 Here is what I have learned about PCOS and infertility:
    - Most woman with PCOS have 9 or fewer periods per year.
    - Those periods are normally heavier in flow then a regular period is
    - In a woman who has PCOS the ovaries are failing to produce the hormones that are needed to keep the menstrual cycle normal.
     - Because Insulin resistance is the major cause of PCOS, it is also the cause of high levels of testosterone that keep woman from ovulating.

        - With PCOS woman have a harder time producing enough hormones to cause the follicles to mature enough to produce eggs.
        - Progesterone is a hormone that allows the lining of the uterus to thicken, without progesterone a woman's cycle will be irregular or absent all together. The only way for the body to produce progesterone naturally is by ovulation, no ovulation no progesterone.

 So there are a few of the reasons why woman with PCOS have a hard time getting pregnant, and a little explanation as to what is going on with our bodies. Next I am going to list a few of the different treatments out there that can/will help solve some of these problems. I have only found one that takes care of them all together.

    1. Weight Loss
               - Weight Loss can sometimes help to improve hormone imbalances and restore normal menses.
           This has worked for me so far. The more weight that I lose the more balanced my periods have become. They are not as heavy and they are more regular. I will explain more on weight loss further down the list.
     2. Metformin
              - This helps your body use insulin better, with the better usage of insulin it cuts down the amount of male hormones in a woman's body.
             - If it is successful then ovulation should resume
     3. Clomid and other fertility drugs 
             - These drugs block the estrogen receptors in the brain. In doing this the brain thinks there are lower levels of estrogen, which triggers the body to produce more FSH and LH, which are the hormones that signal the body to ovulate.
    4. Ovarian drilling
               - This treatment is done by using a small needle to puncture tiny holes into the ovary. The electrical current that is used destroys a tiny part of the ovary.
               - By doing this it may result in lowering the male hormone levels and may restore ovulation.
          I don't know about you but that doesn't sound like anything that I would want done.
     5. Surgically removing the cysts 
              - a day procedure where the surgeon goes in with a scalpel and removes all the cysts from the ovaries.
         I had this done. I do not recommend that anybody goes through this unless they absolutely have no other option. Recovery time is almost a full year and in the end it did not help because my body just reproduced the cysts.
      6. Insluite labs PCOS system
                - an all natural system that consists of 4 different pills that you take at different times during the day.
               - this system works on all aspects of PCOS at one time, rather then fixing a problem here and another one there.
    I have been on this system for a while now. I have truly begun sticking to the program in the last month. I feel better then I have in a long time. The weight is coming off easier, I am not as depressed or anxious any more. I finally feel like I am getting back to the "normal" me. My periods are still a little off but they are getting better every month. This system is giving me hope that there will be children in my future and that I will one day be me again with out the complications.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to speak up. I want to hear from you and what has worked for you.

Here are some websites that you can go to, to get more information on anything that I spoke about above:


Best wishes,

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