Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Story

Here's my story of PCOS and how I have dealt with the frustrations and the heart brake.

     At 15 years old I started having "female" issues, as the doctors called it then. My period stopped coming regularly and when it did come my cramps where so bad that I would curl up in a ball and miss a full week of school because I just couldn't move. I tried everything from birth control pills to different meds and finally at the age of 18 it just stopped. I went years with out having a period and at the time I was so grateful I wasn't dealing with the pain and the suffering any more.

  At age 21 I went in and saw the doctor starting to get worried about what could be wrong with me. I wanted to have kids and was worried that because my body was not "acting" right that I may never be able to do that. So scared out of my mind I saw an obgyn. He swore up and down that nothing was wrong and that it was because I was over weight. He put me on birth control pills and told me that would fix the problem. So listening to my doctor I jumped on the band wagon. I started taking the bc (birth Control) and to my amazement with in 2 weeks I had a period. Thinking my luck was changing I was excited about it. That lasted about 6 months, having my period for two weeks and then not for two days and then it starting again was enough for me. I took my self off the pills and went back to the doctor. It took them another form of bc and multiple doctors visits and a ton of tests and about 6 months later I finally got the answer. It was PCOS and I would not be having kids and I might as well go through surgery and have everything removed.

 So at 22 years old I was looking at my husband to be with tears in my eyes telling him our dream of having kids was not going to happen. Not sure where to turn next and not really having a hope in the world, I left things alone for about 3 years, before I started doing research on PCOS thinking there had to be an answer. I came across Insulite labs. I thought "hey what can it hurt to try something natural" instead of all the other drugs the doctors wanted me to take. I ordered the product and started taking it. I felt great and was finally feeling like there was hope. Then I lost my job and wasn't able to afford the system any more. Lets add heart ache to depression here. I went another year without any help for the problems. I ended up in the er with really bad cramps and the doctor told me he didn't know how to help other then give me pain killers for it. So back to the Obgyn to see if I could get any answers there. His solution was surgery. I had 60 cysts removed off my ovaries and was told after that everything would be just fine. 6 months later I finally started my period, being excited all over again that things were working right again and I could have kids and everything would work out. That lasted about 6 months and then things started to fall apart again.
        I have been dealing with depression, anxiety and massive facial hair. I struggle with my weight everyday. I have changed my lifestyle and the way that I eat. I felt like there was no hope, and I would never be able to be the woman that I wanted to be. Its frustrating and confusing and all around you feel like you are losing yourself to this disorder.

       So here we are 2 and a half years from my surgery, I am back on the PCOS system through insulite labs and am feeling better, and my body is starting to work right again. YAY!!!! It is fantastic how good I feel and how much more energy I have. I have lost about 15lbs and am slowly working my way to where I need to be. I have a long way to go but I have faith in the system and hope that one day I will be a mom.

   The system itself is takes a lot of commitment, but it is worth every step. I have watched people get on it just to give up when they weren't seeing results right away, or when the food change got to be to rough. I have learned that this system takes time, my body did not change over night with PCOS and its not going to change back over night. I am more alert,focused and overall a happier person when I am on the PCOS system with Insulite.I don't have the massive mood swings and I am not afraid to go out into public any more.

   That is my story in a nut shell. If you are suffering from any of these issues or know somebody who is please feel free to contact me. I am here for support in any way that is needed. My ultimate goal is to help as many women as I can find the relief and comfort through their battle with PCOS.

For more information on the PCOS system through Insulite Labs go to

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